For the Greater Glory of God – Nov 23 – Homily – Fr Ignatius
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Fr Ignatius gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Nov 23, 2019, on how Bl. Miguel Pro witnessed to Christ the King by offering up his life and thus living up to his Jesuit motto, "for the Greater Glory of God," to the maximum.
Ave Maria!
Mass: - Opt Mem
1st: 1ma 6:1-13
Resp: psa 9:2-3, 4, 6, 16, 19 0
Gsp: luk 20:27-40
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Dearest Rev Elias and Fr Franciscan Friars: Can you pls ASAP give this Message to His Holiness Pope Francis? If only my letter; it will just be thrown to the tons of other letters. / I appeal because of “The Anti-Christ Little Horn will have riches; but, his heart is against the New Covenant.” Dn 11:28; meaning, China, the Little Horn, will try to BUY VATICAN CITY; on the time of war of the Ram and Goat [Israel vs Iran]! Dn 8. Pls tell His Holiness not to sell or rent, even for a tiny part, of Vatican to China because China bought parts of Vanuatu, Cuba; almost part of Solomon Island; and illegally part of the Philippines. At first, it was friendly buying-transaction; later, China became a dominant conqueror-resident like a Mafia-type! Three Omen signs of AC, Daniel 8:24: (1) It will bring down the mighty leaders/Presidents. It will subdue 3 kings [China bought parts of Vanuatu, Cuba, Solomon Island]. (2) It will bring down the holy. China wrote its own Bible-of-its-govt; forcing all to read all at the same time as in worship; as the only “one-religion”; (3) In imposed peace time; it will bring down many thru its “wonderful” DNA Microchip Technology; to impose merit system and control choices; even to choose immoral things as mandated. The AC, Little Horn has Palaces of its Tabernacle on man-made islands between the Seas and Glorious Mountains. Dn 11:36; 39; 41-43; 45. [The big horn is the Freemason who will be Crashed by Our Lady; but, we have to help our Lady in Exorcism. Rev 12:16 “the earth helped the Woman”]