Akita: Our Lady Speaks from Japan – Pilgrim Reflections with Fr. Elias M. Mills, FI – Variety 311

By November 22, 2019Variety

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On site in Japan, Fr. Elias offers several spontaneous reflections on the meaning of the Akita phenomenon and the Christian experience in Japan. Akita is the, site of the 1973 mystical manifestations experienced by Sr. Agnes Sasagawa of the Handmaids of the Eucharist. The mystical phenomena at Akita were authenticated by the local bishop.

Footage for the video was recorded on location at several of the sites on the two-week itinerary of Fr. Elias' April 2019 pilgrimage to Christian Japan.

From Wikipedia: The messages emphasize prayer (especially recitation of the Holy Rosary) and penance in combination with cryptic visions prophesying sacerdotal persecution and heresy within the Catholic Church.

The apparitions were unusual in that the weeping statue of the Virgin Mary was broadcast on Japanese national television, and gained further notice with the sudden healing of hearing impairment experienced by Sasagawa after the apparitions. The image also became affiliated with The Lady of All Nations movement, with which the message shares some similarities.

The local ordinary of the convent, John Shojiro Ito, Bishop of Niigata (r. 1962–1985), recognized "the supernatural character of a series of mysterious events concerning the statue of the Holy Mother Mary" and authorized "the veneration of the Holy Mother of Akita," within the Roman Catholic Diocese of Niigata in a 1984 pastoral letter.

Thanks to Brandon Fiechter of Medieval & World Music for the use of his composition, "Tea Ceremony" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzU_t-JPF28)

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