Fr. Angelo on Fr. Peter Fehlner’s Marian Legacy – Coredemptrix: Why the Dogma? – CONF 506

By November 3, 2019November 6th, 2019Conferences

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Ave Maria!

Fr. Angelo Geiger, OFM, Conv. gives the first talk titled "Mary at the Foot of the Cross:  Father Peter Damian Fehlner’s Contribution and Legacy" at our Symposium "Mary Coredemptrix: Why the Dogma?" where he outlines the life long contribution that Fr. Peter made to Mariology focussing on the major theme of Coredemption of Mary and how this is key to understanding Jesus Christ. He covers Fr. Peter's organization of over ten Marian coredemption symposiums and the many books he wrote as well as the large Marian libraries he assembled and the Academy of the Immaculate. He mentions the influences of St. Francis, St. Bonaventure, Bl. John Duns Scotus, and St. Maximilian Kolbe, and how the Coredemption integrates with all the other prerogatives of Mary, particularly the Immaculate Conception with the joint predestination of Mary and Christ and the Absolute Primacy of Christ. He also coves the difference between Ecclesio-typical and Christo-typical Mariology and how they are compatible and complementary in the Second Vatican Council and how Mary is key to the renewal of the Church. This Marian Franciscan blueprint for renewal of Chruch is best summarized in San Damiano Cross from which Jesus told Francis to rebuild his Church, as well as the stigmatization of St. Francis. This summary is best captured in the book by Johannes Schneider, "Virgo Ecclesia Facta - The Virgin Made Church", which Fr. Peter translated from the German.

Mariology books from the FFI's Academy of the immaculate, which include many of Fr. Peters works:

This symposium took place at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe October 11-12, 2019 and had 8 talks, 2 QA sessions, and 2 Homilies. The theme was "Mary Coredemptrix: Why the Dogma?" and included a commemoration of the Marian legacy of Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner. It was sponsored by the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate in conjunction with Mark Miravalle and the International Marian Association (IMA)

For more from this Symposium:


YouTube Playlist:

Guadalupe Shrine, La Crosse, WI:

Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate:

International Marian Association (IMA):


Dogma, 5th Marian Dogma, La Crosse Coredemption 2019, Coredemptrix, Mary, BVM, Blessed Virgin Mary, Mary Coredemptrix, Why the Dogma, Symposium, La Crosse, La Crosse Shrine,


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