New Saint John H. Newman Denounced Liberalism in Religion – Oct 14 – Homily – Fr Josemaria
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In the homily on Oct 14, 2019 (Saint Callistus I, pope and martyr), Fr. Josemaria relates today’s Gospel (Monday 28th Week of Ordinary Time) to the thinking of two recently canonized saints, Pope St. Paul VI (canonized in 2014), and St. John Henry Cardinal Newman, canonized yesterday. Father points out that both saints proclaimed the truth about the Church. Our Lord’s authority—shown in the power of his Cross, the sign of his passion, death and resurrection, by which He saves us—is a unique authority, power, and wisdom, as is that of his Church.
In this world, only the Church has the mission and full message of the Gospel. Pope St. Paul VI proclaimed: “This message is indeed necessary. It is unique. It cannot be replaced. It does not permit either indifference, syncretism or accommodation. It is a question of people's salvation.” St. John Henry Newman denounce the error of “liberalism in religion,” a false doctrine which holds that “there is no positive truth in religion, but that one creed is as good as another.” He said: “Never did Holy Church need champions against it more sorely than now, when, alas! it is an error overspreading, as a snare, the whole earth.”
Words that are as true today as they were when spoken over 140 years ago.
Father's quotations are taken from:
- Pope St. Paul VI's apostolic exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi, n. 5 (
- Cardinal St. John H. Newman's "Biglietto Speech," given on the occasion of his appointment as Cardinal, May 12, 1879 (
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Callistus I - Opt Mem
Readings: Monday 28th Week of Ordinary Time
1st: Rom 1:1-7
Resp: Ps 98:1, 2-3, 3-4
Gsp: Lk 11:29-32
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