Want to Become Holy? Choose Holy Companions – Oct 09 – Homily – Fr Matthias

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Fr Matthias gives the homily at New Bedford on Oct 09, 2019 (Memorial of St. Denis, Bishop, and Companions, Martyrs) on how we must carefully select the company we keep, since friends tend to influence each other and become alike. Good company leads to the formation of good character, and bad company to bad character. St. Denis was joined by and supported by holy companions who like him also were martyrs.

Though all the community may not shed its blood, the members who do inspire and are inspired by their faithful brothers and sisters. That is why it is important that we choose our companions carefully, among the holy members of the community who will accompany us and support us in pursuit of a holy life--and if need be, a holy death in witness of the faith.

Ave Maria!

Mass: St. Denis and Companions - Opt Mem

Readings: Wednesday 27th Week of Ordinary Time
1st: Jon 4:1-11
Resp: Ps 86:3-4, 5-6, 9-10
Gsp: Lk 11:1-4

More on the Readings: http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/100919.cfm

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