Ave Maria Meditations
Lord Jesus, Thou who did give to Thy faithful servant, the venerable Peter Julian Eymard, the privilege of so perfectly knowing the ineffable treasures of the Eucharist, of being inflamed with Its love, of devoting himself to Its adoration, and of causing It to be perpetually glorified all over the world, grant us by his merits and intercession, the graces we now earnestly asked of Thee…
(Mention request)
Grant us especially to become like him: faithful Adorers in spirit and truth of the divine Sacrament and while aiming at the acquisition of Christian virtues, and especially of true humility, to live the life of union with Thee, which is the principal effect of communion in our souls. We place our prayer under the protection of the Immaculate Virgin, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, and of Saint Joseph, Thy first adorers .
Praised and blessed forever be the most holy and divine Sacrament!
Our Lady of the most Blessed Sacrament, pray for us!
Saint Joseph, pray for us!