Christian Identity vs. New World (dis)Order – Jul 15 – Homily – Fr Alan

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On the Feast of the "Seraphic Doctor," St. Bonaventure (Bishop & Doctor, Franciscan - Jul 15, 2019), Fr. Alan explains in the homily St. Bonaventure's acknowledgement of the supremacy of love over knowledge and what that means for Christians today. That love of Christ to which we are called entails identifying with Him in suffering for the salvation of souls.

In today's secular culture, the proclamation of the "New World Order" affirms love of man to the exclusion of love of God, which is the inversion of right order. Christians must be light and salt for the restoration of right order: love of God, then love of neighbor in God.

Ave Maria!

Mass: St. Bonaventure - Franciscan Feast


1st: 1 Cor 2:6-13
Gsp: Mt 5:13-19

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