Ave Maria Meditations
Silence of the Sacred Host, pervade me.
Hiddenness of the Sacred Host, envelop me.
Humility of the Sacred Host, shield me.
Poverty of the Sacred Host, be all to me.
Purity of the Sacred Host, cleanse me.
Radiance of the Sacred Host, illuminate me.
Countenance hidden in the Sacred Host , reveal Thyself to me.
Heart all afire in the Sacred Host, set me a blaze with Thy love.
O Sacred Host, living Flesh and Blood of the Immolated Lamb, I adore Thee.
O Sacred Host living Flesh and Blood of the Immolated Lamb, I offer Thee to the Father.
O Sacred Host, living Flesh and Blood of the Immolated Lamb, I beseech
Thee to unite me to Thyself self now and at the hour of my death. Amen.
From In Sinu Jesu