Branches Pruned by Suffering, Fruits of Redemption – May 22 – Homily – Fr Maximilian W

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In the homily for the memorial of St. Rita of Cascia (May 22, 2019), Fr. Maximilian explains Jesus' teaching about the "vine and the branches" (Gospel, Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Easter). Our Lord “prunes” us by allowing us to suffer. The fruits he desires are those of redemption. Apart from the Vine, we cannot attain salvation, nor can we contribute to others'.

St. Rita of Cascia understood this and dedicated her life to suffering with Our Lord, with the mystical Thorn from the crown of his Passion.

Ave Maria!

Mass: St. Rita of Cascia - Opt Mem

Readings: Wednesday 5th Week of Easter
1st: Act 15:1-6
Resp: Ps 122:1-2, 3-4, 4-5
Gsp: John 15:1-8

More on the Readings:, and

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