St. Maximilian, the Miraculous Medal, and Marian Evangelization – May 15 – Homily – Fr Matthias
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In the homily for Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Easter (May 15, 2019) Fr. Matthias explains an easy way we can evangelize others with the help of Our Blessed Lady by means of her Medal of the Immaculate Conception, popularly known as the"Miraculous Medal." With an example from the writings of St. Maximilian*, we see that Our Lady opens hearts to grace for those willing to accept this token of Her charity. Following St. Maximilian's lead, we too can be Marian evangelizers.
* Text quoted from The Writings of St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe (Vol. 2), "The Victories of the Immaculata" (n. 1066, pp. 1884-1885); see
Ave Maria!
Mass: Wednesday 4th Week of Easter - Wkdy
1st: act 12:24-13:5
Resp: psa 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8 0
Gsp: joh 12:44-50
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Early last summerI was given a Miraculous Medal from a Franciscan Father, Father Terrance, at a retreat house in Bloomington, Indiana for my husband. He agreed to wear it, much to my surprise, and hasn’t taken it off since. After 33 years of marriage, he went through the RCIA program and entered the Church this past Easter. You would have had to know my husband before and after to know the full extent of this miracle. Blessed be our wonderful Mother who brings us to her Son.
Hi Father Matthias,
I asked my sister to have her son watch your sermon and he did! He was going through RCIA training but stopped going once he was to make his first confession. Today, after they watched your sermon together, she gave him the Miraculous Medal that I had given to her on her birthday. She gave it to him and he made the decision to actually wear the Miraculous Medal. Please keep my nephew, Jacob Danner, in your prayers that he will become Catholic. Thank you for all your outstanding sermons!