Video – Jews Converting, Salvation (2 of 2) – Roy Schoeman – Spring Marian Day 2019- CONF 481

By May 7, 2019May 30th, 2019Conferences

Views 1257

Ave Maria!

Roy Schoeman gives accounts of other Jews than himself who have converted to Catholicism in the the last of two talks at the Marian Day on May 4th, 2019 at the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center in Bloomington, IN. He concentrates on the need to share the faith because most Catholics don't realize how rich we are with our saving doctrines and sacraments and that the conversion of the Jews is so very important in the salvation of the world.

00:16 - Catholic Church has the answers, why do good people suffer
04:00 - Book of Job, be quiet God is in charge
05:00 - Jesus comes and suffers for us makes suffering valuable.
06:00 - Lazarus and rich man. Catholics are the rich men and need to feed the Lazaruses, not be embarrassed, go out and evangelize
09:00 - Had many moments of opening to the faith but was hostile to them but ended up adding up to openness
14:00 - Edith Stein saw a Catholic woman at prayer as an intimate friend, Death of friend and wife was at peace, only then did she read St Theresa of Avila and declare this is the truth.
18:00 - Need to be open about where our peace comes from, share the wealth
19:00 - The wealth we have, night and day, Words of other converts
20:00 - Alphonse Ratisbonne - had vision of Mary and Converted - veils were removed - was given full knowledge of the faith when knew nothing before -
26:00 - Asked to be baptized immediately, became a priest and then worked to the conversion of Jews
29:00 - Calls all Catholics to pray for Jews
30:00 - Charlie Rich - died in 1998 Hasidic - moved to NY in the 40's - lost faith and tries to kill himself - but goes into church to get cool - If only I could believe the words of Gospel - heard words from God "of course it is true" - complete change of heart with full joy - asked to be baptized and became a contemplative of adoration for sixty years - very fervent
38:00 - Why are Jews still Jews?
39:00 - Hermann Cohen- Piano prodigy 1800s traveling superstar of his age - kings would invite, very dissolute life - Asked to do conducting at a benediction and at moment of elevation fell down thunderstruck - full of remorse for sin - but also peace that he had forgiveness in exchange of love for life - became a travelling monk with free concerts - many conversions and opened many adoration chapels - died of small pox giving sacraments to French soldiers in German pow camp.
47:00 - Jesus will not come until Jews convert, CCC 674
and Romans Ch11 - St Paul, Jews are blinded - rejection of gospel lead to salvation of gentiles, so their conversion will have even more of an effect.
51:00 - Council of Jerusalem: do not have to be circumcised and this mostly due to Jews not converting.
53:00 - Image of the olive tree, St Paul - trunk is Jewish branch broken off and we were grafted in - hardening of Jews until veil is removed and then large entry in to the Church - loved by God due to love of their fathers.
57:00 - Jews would then know how much of an act of mercy and grace it takes to be Christian
58:00 - Prayer for conversion of Jews - kosher with Vatican :)

For more talks from this event: 
YouTube playlist:
Roy Schoeman, author of "Salvation is from the Jews":
Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center:


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