Video – “Christmas Eve” – Music Video – Variety 305
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Ave Maria!
"I have always thought of Christmastime, when it has come a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time; the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely" - Charles Dickens
Lyrics: (Available on itunes)
It’s that time of the year again, to kindle hearts anew
With the fire of the love of God, and sing Merry Christmas you!
Like snowflakes pure and oh so white, coming down from up above
The Lord descends with great delight, to show us his gentle love.
What sentiments as we embrace, Having come from near and far!
Mary’s super lovely face, illumined by a star!
To decorate the tree tonight, and place my gifts below
The way I feel toward Christmas Eve, Please stay and never go!
With family and with loving friends, one last minute at the store,
On coming home from Midnight Mass, The homeless we won’t ignore. (Refrain)
How’s this evening possible? At once so cold and warm
A night when frost and icicle, Begin to hang and form.
Oh my God, what joy to see, your face ne’er seen before
I cancel and forgive with glee, all debts my heart has stored.
In city streets and country sides, all throughout the earth
They stop to raise their voice and sing, we celebrate His birth!
My soul was filled with so much joy, Oh, when I heard them say:
That Jesus Christ is born for us, our Peace and Love today!
Words and Music: Brandon Bry Cortes (Br. Gabriel)
Piano arrangement: Anita Park