Video – Co-Redemption: Global Perspective – Dr. Mark Miravalle – CONF 446
Views 2021
Ave Maria!
Dr. Mark Miravalle gives his talk at the coredemption symposium at Ave Maria Univ on “Mary in the Redemption: A Global Perspective”
Dr. Mark Miravalle is president of the International Marian Association and Master of Ceremonies for this event as well as Professor of Mariology at Franciscan University of Steubenville.
Conference information:
Title: Mary in the Redemption: A Global Perspective
Symposium of the International Marian Association
Ave Maria University, Florida
Friday, September 14 and Saturday, September 15
For more information, visit:
For more talks from this conference:
The International Marian Association (IMA) comprises theologians, bishops, clergy, religious, and lay leaders who seek to promote full Marian truth and devotion throughout the world.
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