Mary: Mother of Grace – Oct 13 – Homily – Msgr. Calkins

By October 13, 2018March 3rd, 2019Coredemption, Guest Homilist, Homily, Shrine, La Crosse, WI

Views 1397


Msgr. Arthur B. Calkins gives the homily at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, La Crosse, WI on Oct 12 for the second day of the two day Symposium on the Coredemption of Mary 2018 on how Mary is the Mother of Grace because she is the Mother of Jesus and is His companion in bringing about our redemption. Listen as he refers to the miraculous medal to show how we have to ask Mary for graces and how this is verified in scripture at the Wedding Feast at Cana, tying together the entirety of salvation history.

Ave Maria!

Mass: The BVM, Mother and Mediatrix of All Grace - Opt Mem
1st: est 8:3-8, 16-17
Resp: psa 67:2-7 0
Gsp: joh 2:1-11

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