Fr. Casey, Steve Dawson, Msgr. Calkins, Fr. Elias – Q&A Session 2, Fatima Centennial Conference – October 7, 2017
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All four speakers answer questions from the audience at Stonehill College in Easton, Massachusetts on Oct. 7, 2017, at the Fatima Centennial conference entitled “The Promise and Our Part in the Plan.” With Fr. Alan as MC, the afternoon Q & A came after the last two talks:
“Practical Evangelization with Our Lady of Fatima” by Steve Dawson
“The Rosary: The Invincible Weapon” by Fr. Bill Casey
“The Promise and Our Part in the Plan” was the second livestream event of the two-part 2017 Fatima Centennial program entitled “Between the Warning & the Promise: Living the Fatima Message,” organized by the FI to offer the faithful a theological review and pastoral interpretation of the Fatima Message.
For the full playlist of videos from the “Between the Warning & the Promise,” the two-part 2017 Fatima Centennial program of live stream events focused on helping the faithful live the Fatima message, please visit .
Ave Maria!
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