I AM the Bread of Life – Aug 05 – Homily – Fr Terrance
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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Aug 05 on how Jesus explains the Eucharistic meaning of the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand that was read last Sunday, that Christ is the bread of life. We should not focus on physical life and physical bread but more on our spiritual life that leads to Eternal Life which is fed by heavenly food, the word of God made flesh in Christ who gives us his body to eat and his blood to drink.
Ave Maria!
Mass: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sunday
1st: exo 16:2-4, 12-15
Resp: psa 78:3-4, 23-24, 25, 54
2nd: eph 4:17, 20-24
Gsp: joh 6:24-35
More on the Readings: https://airmaria.com/r?m=822
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