9th Commandment – Coveting Neighbor’s Wife – Tour of the Catechism #94

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CCC #2514 - 2533 - Fr. Mahan discusses the 9th Commandment "You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant, or his maidservant, or his ox, or his ass, or anything that is your neighbor's." (Ex 20:17) where the Catechism explains how we are to fight against all disordered passions, striving for purity of heart and how this relates to the tension within us between the spirit and the flesh.

NAB Ex 20:17 - http://www.usccb.org/bible/exodus/20#02020017

CCC - Part Three - Life in Christ
Section Two - The Ten Commandments
Chapter Two - "You Shall Love Your Neighbor as Yourself"

Article 9: The Ninth Commandment - #2514 - http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc/p3s2c2a9.htm
I. Purification of the Heart
II. The Battle for Purity

Ave Maria!
"Tour of the Catechism of the Catholic Church" is given by Fr. Daniel J. Mahan, S.T.L., pastor of St. John the Apostle Catholic Church in Bloomington, Indiana, and St. Jude the Apostle in Spencer. He will cover the entire Catechism in about 80 videos, giving an outline of the content along with clear easy to follow explanations. It will be based on the 2nd Edition of the Catechism.


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