Ave Maria Meditations
Let me tell you something strange: even the most beautiful souls who burn to be in the Heart of Jesus, do not want to believe that confidence is the key which will open the door for them, because this door is a wound made by love. They look for other ways, as if this way were too beautiful to be reliable. How many times people have said to me, “It is too beautiful to be true.” And I answer, “Jesus bought at a dear enough price, at the price of all His blood, the right to bring to earth something ‘too beautiful.”‘
So what then? He calls me just as I am? I can go to Him with all my miseries, all my weaknesses? He will repair what I have done badly? He will supply for all my indigence? Yes, provided that you go to Him, that you count on Him, that you expect everything of Him, that you say with Saint Paul, “I can do all things in Him who is my only strength and my only virtue.” (Phil 4:13)
A beautiful prayer to pour forth from your heart throughout the day is: “Jesus, repair what I have done badly, supply for what I have left undone.” Or an even more beautiful way to pray is: “Jesus, I know that You make reparation in me, that You supply for me, I know that You will draw the good from the bad that I do, and even, as Saint Augustine said, a greater good than if there had been no evil in it.”
Is this not worthy of adoration? I have a Jesus who does all that in me and for me! And I am very sure-oh, yes indeed!-that He will never say to me, “You hoped too much of Me.”
Fr. Jean du Coeur de Jesus d’Elbee