Mary & the Priestly Mission – May 05 – Homily – Fr Mahan

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Fr. Mahan gives the homily at the Spring Marian Day for 2018, May 5th, that had the theme "Our Lady, and the Three-Fold Mission of Christ & the Church: Prophet, Priest, and King." He covers the priestly mission that everyone is called to in the Church in virtue of our Baptism in the context of following Christ in his roles as Priest, Prophet and King.

For the other talks of this conference by Fr. Mahan:

Notes taken during the homily:

We have much to receive from the Gospel and from this day of Mary. Let the Holy Spirit guide us in bringing to fruit what we receive as Mary did.

Laity have active role and this goes back to the time of Old Testament. Rabbi was a lay person. The priest only did the sacrifice.

Christ makes the perfect sacrifice, the unblemished Lamb as well as being the Priest. The Holy Eucharist was instituted at the last minute before His sacrifice on the Cross. The Sacrifice on Calvary is re-presented at the sacrifice of Mass. At the foot of the Cross we find Our Lady.

Daily sacrifice of inconvenience, pain or misfortune when united with Christ is a following of Him in His sacrifice on the Cross, participating in the priestly mission of Christ.

This includes allowing Mary to be our mother and saying, "Do with me what you have said."

Ask Mary for the strength to build up the Church and keep it unified.

Ave Maria!

Mass: Our Lady of the Cenacle - Opt Mem
1st: act 1:6-14
Resp: psa 87:1-2,3 & 5, 6-7 0
Gsp: luk 8:19-21 - Mother of Jesus and his brothers

More on the Readings:

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