Ave Maria Meditations
Station XI: Jesus is nailed to the cross
Out of jealousy, hate and fear, the cruelty of man pounds blunt nails into our dear Lord’s hands and feet, these hands that blessed and healed the wounded and afflicted; the feet that walked countless miles looking for lost souls to save. Yet, Jesus, stretched out His arms as a sign of His complete willingness to suffer for both the victims and perpetrators of abuse, cruelty, abandonment and indifference. Remind me, Jesus, to pray and offer help to those who are sick and wounded and to search for lost souls that long to see Your face, hear Your voice and feel Your loving embrace. Increase in me a spirit of sacrifice in reparation for my sins and the sins of the whole world.
After each Station, pray “Jesus, Son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee”
by Mary Fischer
Sua história é um exemplo de amor e compaixão por todos nós, sem distinção nenhuma.
Sua mensagem nós fortalece e sua luz nos ilumina.
Grato Senhor Jesus por Sua paz e Sua luz.