Ave Maria Meditations
Station I: Jesus is condemned to death
Pilate abandoned truth under pressure from the crowd…as do we when we listen to the crowd of public opinion that endorses a culture of death and immorality. At Jesus’ trial, He loved in truth and allowed Himself to be misjudged and ridiculed; He offered His humiliation and His life to save sinners, including those who condemned Him.
Help me, Lord, offer up to You all the criticism, rejection and misjudgments laid against me during my life for the salvation of lost souls. I also give to you all the unforgiveness in my heart, especially towards those who have been harmed by the hardness of my heart or my inability to love in truth. O, Lord, may we never wash our hands of our responsibilities as Christians to love and forgive generously. And may our hearts remain open to receive the grace that springs from the humiliations You suffered at Your trial.
After each Station, pray “Jesus, Son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee”
by Mary Fischer