Video – Beauty & Joy of Christmas

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Ave Maria!

Fr. Josemaria Barbin gives a conference for the MIM monthly meeting on the Beauty & Joy of Christmas and how Franciscan Spirituality brings out the important role of Mary by placing Christ's Incarnation at the center of God's decision to create the world. He discusses Franciscan Christocentrism and the Marian Mode of the Incarnation. The MIM is the Mission of the Immaculate Mediatrix a lay movement directed by the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate.


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  • Juliana Nordhoff says:

    Thank God for the internet. Through it I am able too keep up with my fellow “Franciscan” MIM members. What a great presentation, Fr. Josemaria.
    Even though I have previously studied the topic of the primacy of Christ this clears up some questions I had. Please do bring up this topic again. There is so much more for us to learn and digest.

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