Video – Purity of Heart & Prayer – Cassian & Isaac – Advent Reflection – Fr. Patrick Hyde – 2 of 2

By December 2, 2017December 3rd, 2017Advent & Silence 2017, Conferences

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Ave Maria!

Fr. Patrick Hyde, O.P. continues his Advent reflections on silence as a means for preparing for the coming of Christ, emphasizing in this talk the teachings of the early Christian mystical writers St. John Cassian and Isaac of Nineveh that we need purity of heart and purity of prayer. By learning the importance of silence in our busy lives we can receive the true spirit of Christmas, having Christ enter our hearts and transform our lives.

This is the First talk of two for the 2017 Advent Day of Reflection given Fr. Patrick Hyde O.P., "Preparing for Christ in Silence, The Role of Silence in the Church Fathers" at the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center in Bloomington, IN.

For more talks from the day of reflection:

Fr. Patrick Hyde is Associate Pastor and Campus Minister at St. Paul's Catholic Center at the Bloomington Campus of Indiana University:

The day of reflection took place at the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center in Bloomington, IN:

- CONF 397 Ave Maria!

Rough notes from the event (Time stamps are approximate):

Rough notes (Times approximate): Cassian Background Influenced by Evagrius Ponticus Egyptian, deadly sins

Lived 4th 5th cent, influenced St. Benedict

books Conferences

Somewhat associated with Semipelagianism

Issac was later, 7th Century

7:00 Card Sarah quote on Isaac love silence above all things The Power of Silence by Card. Sarah:

Goal is purity of Heart, so that God can speak. Contemplation the true gift comes from God, but this needs purification.

Must prioritize this now or we never will. three renunciations: body, passions, visible

14:00 Conferences 9th & 10th very helpful

Obstacles are always an invitation by Christ Image of soul.

Our soul is most beautiful and delicate thing like a feather when purified. Can float to God with slightest breeze but with some dirt, impurity, even strong breeze will not lift Aspiration during prayer is God. Prayer is preparation and practice for prayer itself. Can lead to being infused with God as a gift

20:00 9th conference Necessity to have silence and be away alone

Mass is so important silence punctuated by noise

Giving thanks, silent prayer before and after communion. We can do this in our busy lives despite distractions that are inevitable we can come close to God. Silence, going into inner room even in Church. Wherever we are we can retreat into our "room" This is purity of heart and brings us close to Christ

26:00 10th conf Practical advice on prayer and silence. Sometimes words are helpful for direction. Effected St. Benedict therefore whole of West

"God come to my assistance. Lord make hast to help me." is from him

Habitual prayer, turn to God at all crisis Recall Gods generosity Prayer is unpredictable, God is too.

Summary of Cassian - Prayer is a gradual ascent, will grow more and more. Prayer must become a reliable thing in our lives. Prayer strengthened by prayer

31:00 Isaac of Nineveh

Pure and undistracted prayer, not Buddhism

Freedom from wandering thought, or more to the point what to do with wandering thoughts, good verses bad wandering.

Wandering is not alien to pure prayer, gives many insights sometimes we are lead to deeper prayer by our wandering thoughts when we recognize them. Getting rid of all wandering is "stupid". Fire of the spirit sometimes burns in unexpected directions.

35:00 Pure prayer comes from stillness, including bodily. Our prayer goal is contemplation, glimpse of heaven, gift given to few only. Prayer and silence is knocking at the door, God must open it. We must pray through our distractions. Important: Need rule in prayer, not just for monks, time set aside for prayer. Need Scripture.

Know our mind and how it wonders, stop it or incorporate it.

Need good posture in prayer

40:15 Incorporating distractions into prayer is actually progress in silence.

Self renunciation even bodily

We need to stick to a plan appropriate for our vocation, lay or religious

42:00 Conclusions

Baptism orientates us to Christ.

Silence and meditation with scripture

Practical skills and common sense plan

Reminders foster habitual silence & prayer

Distraction can be a gift to uninterrupted prayer

We are made for silence and prayer and need it Daily

We must battle for silence and prayer

45:10 Advent is a time for prayer resolutions

Meditate on Christ who has come to us in the incarnation, who wants to enter into our hearts.


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