Nov 08 – Homily – Fr Josemaria: Primacy of Love

By November 8, 2017March 2nd, 2019Bloomington, IN, Fr. Josemaria Barbin, Homily

Views 1814

Fr. Josemaria on the memorial of Bl. John Duns Scotus and the absolute primacy of charity and how all creation is created out of love, supernatural charity and we all need this charity to return this love with the total gift of self in union with Christ. Father relates this to the Gospel today and explains how to reconcile the seemingly harsh statement therein relative to those dear to us here on earth.

Ave Maria!

Mass: Bl. John Duns Scotus - Opt Mem
Readings: Wednesday 31st Week of Ordinary Time
1st: rom 13:8-10
Resp: psa 112:1-2, 4-5, 9 0
Gsp: luk 14:25-33
