Oct 30 – Homily – Fr Alan: Saved, but not without Opposition

By October 30, 2017October 31st, 2017Fr. Alan Wharton, Homily, New Bedford, MA

Views 1624


Jesus saved us from the Law by fulfilling it as we could not. We must oppose and overcome disorder in ourselves and in the world if we are to follow Christ. Above all, we must exercise the freedom of the saved, to practice charity, thinking, seeing, and living "outside the box," unlike the synagogue leader in today's Gospel reading.

Ave Maria!

Mass: Monday 30th Week of Ordinary Time - Wkdy

1st: Rom 8:12-17
Resp: Ps 68:2, 4, 6-7, 20-21
Gsp: Lk  13:10-17

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