By September 7, 2017September 28th, 2017Fatima Minute

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Ave Maria!

For more info: http://livingfatima.com/october7/

One hundred years have passed since Our Lady appeared in Fatima. She gave a message of dire warning along with a promise of peace for the world. The signs all around us point to the urgent need for divine intervention, as humanity jostles for footing at the edge of an abyss of lawlessness and destruction. It's time to finally believe her message and act on her requests before the worst of the warnings comes to pass. It's up to us to live the Fatima message.

To find out how you can do this; plan to participate Saturday, October 7, 2017 in the full-day Marian evangelization event, "Fatima: The Promise & Our Part in the Plan," at Stonehill College in Easton, Massachusetts. If you can't be there in person, follow the event live on AirMaria.com, LivingFatima.com, or on this YouTube channel.

For TICKETS and more information, go to LivingFatima.com/October7, or call (508) 996-1039.

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Ave Maria!


Author apostolate

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