Feb 14 – Homily – Fr Alan: True Love – Conversion to God

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On the day our neo-pagan culture goes ga-ga for romantic love to the point of immorality (once a religious feast dedicated to St. Valentine, bishop & martyr), three months from the Centennial of Our Lady's first Fatima apparition, the lives of Sts. Cyril & Methodius call the Church to dedicate Herself to the New Evangelization of lands & peoples that were once Christendom. The New Evangelization must begin with a personal conversion, and given the Fatima warnings, a conversion en masse.

Ave Maria!

Mass: Sts. Cyril and Methodius - Mem

1st: gen 6:5-8, 7:1-5, 10
R: psa 29:1-2, 3-4, 8, 9-10
Gsp: mar 8:14-21


Fr. Regis Scanlon, "Fatima and the 'signs of the times' needs a closer look". (http://www.hprweb.com/2017/01/fatima-and-the-signs-of-the-times-needs-a-closer-look/)

Fr. Richard Heilman, "100TH ANNIVERSARY OF FATIMA IS MAY 13 – TIME TO DO THE 'NINEVEH THING'". (https://www.nineveh90.com/100th-anniversary-fatima-may-13-time-nineveh-thing/)

Beckita (moderator of Charlie Johnston's blog, "The Next Right Step"), "Trust. Do. Love." (https://charliej373.wordpress.com/2017/02/11/trust-do-love/)
