Dec 18 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Great Sign of the Virginal Maternity
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Saint Joseph had no reason to doubt Mary's purity, but neither could he doubt her pregnancy. But when the angel came, he was able to understand the meaning of this sign: that Her Son was God. The Father of the Church tell us that if a virgin bore, it would be God; and if God were to become man, His mother would be a virgin. This sign shows God's plan, His descent into our humanity, and His ultimate victory. We are called to participate both in the Joy of Bethlehem and the suffering of Calvary, in imitation of Mary's total commitment to God's will. Let us wait with Saint Joseph under this great sign of the Virgin Mother. Let us keep our eyes on this great sign, "deep as the netherworld" and "high as the sky". It is still dark, but the Morning Star is with us, and day is coming soon.
Ave Maria!
Mass: 4th Sunday of Advent - Sunday
1st: isa 7:10-14
Resp: psa 24:1-2, 3-4, 5-6
2nd: rom 1:1-7
Gsp: mat 1:18-24
