Dec 15 – Homily – Fr Dominic: The FI and the Queen of the Seraphic Order

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St. Francis was consumed with love for the Blessed Virgin Mary, and he has passed this love on to his sons. In the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, our community life is built around glorifying and making known Our Lady, seeking to make Mary present in the life of the Church. This is our call and vocation to be lived out in the humility of Our Lady. If we are faithful in our consecration to her, She will make us holy and lead us to Her Son, Jesus Christ.

Ave Maria!

Mass: Queen of the Seraphic Order - Feast
1st: sir 24:7-8, 10-14
Resp: psa 45:10, 13-18 0
Gsp: luk 1:26-33

Audio (MP3)

