Video – Card. Burke – Priest and the New Evangelization – 7/8 – CONF 297
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Conferences #297 - ( 29min) >>> Play
Ave Maria!
Cardinal Raymond Burke gives the seventh reflection for the 2015 Priests' Retreat themed "Holy Priesthood: Sacrament of Christ's Pastoral Charity". This talk is titled "Priest and the New Evangelization". Topics covered include:
- Be faithful to call to evangelize action in a difficult times
- John Paul II Christifideles Laici
- JPII Need of obedience
- Hard in our individualistic society
- Many Holy examples
- John Paul II apostolic letter Novo Millennio Ineunte 2000
- No magic formula but by a person and his assurance I am with you
- Jesus Christ alive for us in the Church
- Program is the same as ever
- Whole program is summed up in being holy and have indwelling Holy spirit
- Do you wish to evangelize then be holy
- Be perfect as I am, Holy
- Vat II this is not for the few but for the many
- Ways of holiness are many according to the many vocations
- Benedict XVI torn fabric Hermeneutic of Rupture 2005 Christmas
- Council is not a constitution
- Cannot sing the church into being
- Since council but not because of it liturgical misuse an bad teaching, morals
- Benedict XVI tyranny of misunderstanding of freedom
- John Paul II "as if God does not exist"
- Pride of Man not recognizing that we are created
- instead enslave ourselves to some created thing like sex, drugs, pornography
- Those that live by the Church are considered extremists
- Those that don't are extolled
- Dictatorship of Relativism Benedict XVI
- must examine ideological foundations to root out
- Idea of no real bad or evil everything is dependent on circumstances
- Proportionalism or consequentialism causes confusion, disruption of ecclesiastical life
- Essential morals stay the same, hermeneutic of reform and continuity
- Responsibility to make principles of moral rectitude very clear to the world which God created
- Living in Christ, Christians become light and guide to the world
- Goal of Priests: View everything in the Church in the hermeneutic of continuity and reform
- Fix rupture in the fabric of christian society
- Must refer to Mother of God and be united to Immaculate Heart of Mary and so be united to Christ
- Our Program is Jesus Christ who we know and love in His Sacred heart and who alone we serve
Audio (MP3)