Video – Card. Burke – Priest as Moral Guide – 6/8 – CONF 296
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Conferences #296 - ( 45min) >>> Play
Ave Maria!
Cardinal Raymond Burke gives the sixth reflection for the 2015 Priests' Retreat themed "Holy Priesthood: Sacrament of Christ's Pastoral Charity". This talk is titled the "Priest as Moral Guide". Topics covered include:
Missed much
- People look to the Church for moral guidance
- Troubled times many issues but abortion is greatest evil.
- Care for the life of community
- Directory on the Ministry and Life of Priests #56
- Indissolubility of marriage
- Abortion Kathleen Sebelius
- Western Europe is very secularized and is dying but America is not as far down the road, but needs a good guide from priests
- Vat II Gaudium et Spes parag 48
- Our Lady of America Sister Mildred Neuzil
- Need to be pure and spread purity
- But america is becoming a culture of death
- Still there is much hope if we keep up the fight we will share in the victory of Christ.
- Keep the voice of men of good will present in the world.
- Catholic Morals are essentially Christian and follow the natural law.
- Respect for life linked to integrity of marriage
- Misuse of sex by separating it from procreation, contraception
- Catholic Church has upheld this principle against all expectations
- This misuses results in many other errors, pornography divorce
- Paul VI Humanae vitae
- Benedict XVI Caritas in Veritate on Huma vitae and Evangelium Vitae
- JPII human goods
- Need to form consciences well
- John Card Newman Conscience is a messenger to him who speaks behind the veil
- Misuse of word conscience
- Benedict XVI on Newman conscience is not subjective
- current world morals is considered non objective therefore only subjective
- Newman refers it to truth, man's capacity to recognize truth.
- Truth should unite in truth who is truth who is the one who unites us
- Benedict XVI to German Parliament 2011
- We must recognize that we are not the creator of ourselves and this will enable us to be free
- Subjectiveness goes against this and can be seen in decision against
- Fr. John Hardon on martyrs, red martyrs are ultimate bu so are those who speak the truth, witness to the truth
- We are fortified by our baptism in this
- Christ will give us strength walking along our path of suffering
- Jesus is the model of our martyrdom that is made present in the sacrifice of Mass
- Eucharistic adoration extends to other parts of our life.
- St Maximilian Kolbe other martyr in cell sketches Sacred Heart
- Mary Immaculate help for giving good witness.
- John Paul II Veritatus Splendor
- There is no cheap grace
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