Video – Card. Burke – Sacred Heart and Celibacy – Continued – 5/8 – CONF 295
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Conferences #295 - (

Ave Maria!
Cardinal Raymond Burke gives the fifth reflection for the 2015 Priests' Retreat themed "Holy Priesthood: Sacrament of Christ's Pastoral Charity". This talk is on the Sacred Heart and Celibacy which he continues from previous talk. Topics covered include:
- Mother Louise Margaret Claret de la Touche - Sacred Heart and the Priesthood
- Vatican II Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests #16
- Gift of celibacy comes with the vocation to the priesthood
- Relates to the married life
- A way of loving others
- gives the gift of celibacy for the building up of the church
- priest gives himself for life long love with the church as does a married couple
- JPII on Celibacy - Pastoris dabo Vobis
- Love of entire self
- Today's culture is not open to celibacy
- Not disdain for marriage, but marriage to Church, spiritually
- Indissolubility of marriage Mat 19
- Celibacy is a gift
- After Vat ii considered an imposition, thus, hard to keep renewing the offering
- Sign of configuration to Church and flock
- Religious Priest unites graces of both vow and ordination
- Bl. Columba Marmion
- Should never relax vigilance
- Overt and subtle temptations
- To foster celibate love
- Prayer life
- Good readings
- Educate people in fraternal friendship with other priests which strengthens paternal love to flock
- Priest Crisis is almost always due to lack of friend priests
- Challenges to celibacy in feminist world
- Christ is "Our All" for the celibate
