Oct 09 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Faith > Conversion > Gratitude
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It is not gratitude that is the most important in today's Gospel, but faith which leads to conversion and then gratitude. In both the first and second reading, an outsider acts with faith, is converted, and expresses gratitude. In order for gratitude to be true, is must come from the worship of God and deep interior change, and will be expressed as compassion for others, and especially those farthest from God. For we are all far from God and need to be patient with others as Christ is with us. Let us imitate Mary's faith, total interior conversion, and compassion for us sinners.
Ave Maria!
Mass: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sunday
1st: 2ki 5:14-17
Resp: psa 98:1, 2-3, 3-4
2nd: 2ti 2:8-13
Gsp: luk 17:11-19