Oct 08 – Homily – Fr Angelo: What is Faith?

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Today's first reading is often used by Protestants to defend their understanding of faith, but when St. Paul contrasts Faith and the Law, he is addressing the idea that Christians had to follow the Jewish Law in addition to faith in Jesus; he is not speaking about the relationship between assenting to God's Revelation and obeying His Commandments. Rather, faith is the gift from God that elevates our minds to be able to assent to truths beyond our ability to know, but then this assent must move into obedience and action. We can look to Mary as the personification of what it means to believe, it is not only to trust, but to obey, and this is her glory.

Ave Maria!

Mass: Saturday in the 27th Week in Ordinary Time - Wkdy
1st: gal 3:22-29
Resp: psa 105:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 0
Gsp: luk 11:27-28

Audio (MP3)

