Oct 07 – Homily: Rosary – Holy Weapon of Christian Combat

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Using the combat analogy so appropriate for describing the spiritual struggle of Christians in this world, Fr. Matthias observes that the majority of Christians are unarmed against the enemies of the soul. The "weapon" of the Holy Rosary, praised by popes and saints, is vastly under-valued,  under-utilized, to the detriment of souls and Christian civilization. Serious Christians, practiced in the use of the this holy weapon, need to get into the battle. Victory is assuredly ours, but every Christian "soldier" needs to be "armed" and deployed.


Ave Maria!

Mass: Our Lady of the Rosary - Mem
1st: Act 1:12-14
Resp: Lk 1:46-55
Gsp: Lk 1:26-38

Audio (MP3)

