Oct 04 – Homily – Finding St. Francis in the 21st Century

By October 4, 2016October 11th, 2016Fr. Alan Wharton, Homily, New Bedford, MA

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Fr. Alan observes that the key to connecting with our 13th Century founder is through identifying his spiritual profile. Three virtues stand out, which summarize the spirit of St. Francis: Simplicity, Humility, and Seraphic Charity. These virtues correspond to the characteristics of FI spirituality summarized by the "three m's" - Marian, minor, missionary.  To find  St. Francis today, we need to reproduce his spiritual dispositions, not the circumstances and conditions of life in the 13th Century.

Ave Maria!

Mass: Our Holy Father Francis - Solemnity
1st: sir 50:1, 3-4, 6-7
Resp: psa 16:1-2, 5, 7-8, 11
2nd: gal 6:14-18
Gsp: mat 11:25-30

Audio (MP3)

