Sep 20 – Homily – Fr Alan: Korea’s Remarkable Faith

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Fr. Alan observes the remarkable history of the Korean Church . The first baptisms in 1592 at the hands of invading Japanese soldiers led to a 200-year period of growth and persecution without any ministry from the hierarchical Church. The first missionary priest from China arrived in 1789 to find four thousand Catholics, none of whom had ever seen a priest! Then began a series of persecutions that were most fierce between the years 1839-1867. During this period today's martyrs gave their lives for the Faith: Fr. Andrew Kim Taegon, Korea's first native priest (and son of beatified martyr, Ignatius Kim), lay apostle Paul Chong Hasang, and companions. Their blood was the seed of today's Church in Korea that counts 5 million in South Korea alone.

Ave Maria!

Mass: St. Andrew Kim Taegon, Paul Chong Hasang and Comp. - Mem
Readings: 0

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