Sep 15 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: Mary Coredemptrix

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Fr. Ignatius preaches on the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows which we celebrate here as a solemnity since it is the patron feast of our friary that bears the title of Coredemptrix Friary. Father explains that the title Coredemptrix does not take away from Christ's role of Redeemer but it pointing to Mary at the foot of the Cross, suffering in union with Christ, cooperating in the salvation of mankind. Father exhorts us to join in as coworkers in this greatest of works.

Ave Maria!

Mass: Our Lady of Sorrows - Feast
1st: heb 5:7-9
Resp: psa 31:2-3, 3-4, 5-6, 15-16, 20 0
Gsp: joh 19:25-27

Audio (MP3)

