Aug 15 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Mary’s Assumption: A Great Sign

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The woman of Revelation, clothed with the sun, is a great sign. Of the many meanings in Revelation 12, Father Angelo points out three. The first is the victory of Christ over sin and death; not merely at the end of time, but even now. The second is that She is our Mother too and that Her victory is our victory. By showing us our destiny, we receive hope and strength. The third is that, by Her bodily Assumption, we see the dignity of the human body. The Assumption is the proof the Jesus is in control, and we can have confidence in Him even in the midst of crisis.

Ave Maria! 

Mass: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Solemnity
1st: rev 11:19, 12 1-6, 10
Resp: psa 45:10, 11, 12, 16
2nd: 1co 15:20-26
Gsp: luk 1:39-56

Audio (MP3)

