Video – Fr. William Casey – God Have Mercy on Us – CONF 329
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Fr. William Casey gives a talk for a retreat June 17 - 19 at the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center called "In Our Lord's own Words: The Divine Mercy" based on the words of Our Lord to St. Faustina that he compiled from her Diary and recorded on a set of CDs he recently published. This talk is titled "God Have Mercy on Us." In the face of so much collapse of faith and morals in recent decades, Father exhorts us to ask for God's Mercy and to lovingly and respectfully give people the message of the Gospel even when it may not be pleasant or convenient to do so. This is because the greatest mercy you can show people is to be concerned with their eternal salvation. We should relight the flame of faith by becoming saints. More notes below.
Videos from the conference -
Fr. William Casey's Audio Series -
Divine Mercy Diary - PDF -
Book -
Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center -
Amoris Laetitia by Pope
In the video he mentions:
The bad effects of pornography on society
The prophetic words of Pope Bl. Paul VI regarding contraception in his encyclical Humanae Vitae:
- Increase in sexual immorality
- Marital infidelity, divorce
- General acceptance of Abortion
- Sexual degradation of Women seen in pornography
- Government coercion of new thinking. seen in no fault divorce, same sex marriage, etc
People create their own reality
Adam and Eve did this and we are repeating it
What do we do now in the face of general apostasy? Relight the flame of love starting with ourselves. We must become saints.
Mother Theresa, God does not call us to be successful but only to be faithful especially in tough times
Four points on Divine Mercy:
- We are created for unity with God this must be the focus, Sr. Faustina mortal sin alone will separate
- God is all powerful. He will get us to heaven if we contribute
- God has a great love for you. will give you eternal happiness
- God is always faithful and wants us to be too and he will be faithful in giving eternal happiness with him
Must be faithful in the struggles in life, many temptations, peer pressure especially today. Trust in God's goodness
Heroic virtue is the key, a grace from heaven that is very much needed. To access this gace:
- Habit of Prayer
- Meditation, reflecting on God
- Frequent worthy reception of the sacraments
- Avoid the occasion of sin.
Must remove things that lead to mortal sin. Do not presume on Mercy of God
If tempted use frequent confession.
Which gives us forgiveness of sin and increase of sacramental grace, strengthens us
God wants salvation of all, but we need to turn to him and trust in his mercy and his help.
Those who persevere, keep returning back to God, even if they fall every day, will find mercy.
But, must avoid making a pact with sin, becoming comfortable with it.
Caption on Divine Mercy by command of Christ, "Jesus I Trust in You"
Pope Francis - Church not a museum for saints, but a hospital for sinners.
St. Therese of Lisieux - If I had committed all the worst sins I would still not loose peace. But know the mercy of God and would run to him and he would fix everything
God loves each of us as if we are the only one alive.
Because he is all powerful has the capacity to be this concerned with all the billions of people in the world.
Confession after many years gives the lord his greatest glory.

Video – Fr. William Casey – God Have Mercy on Us – CONF 329 – this is an amazing addition to the already amazing content you publish. I was curious if there were other talks from Fr. Casey during this retreat on Mercy.
In sacris cordibus Iesu et Mariae.