Video – Dr. Hart: Love and Knowledge in Scotus – CONF 307

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Ave Maria!

At the Symposium titled "Sursum Actio" at Notre Dame Univ. from Jun 8-9, 2015, in honor of the life work of Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner, F.I., David Bentley Hart, Ph.D. , Professor of Theology at St. Louis University, gives the sixth conference which he titles, "Love and Knowledge: On Intellect and Intentionality". He reflects on the Franciscan-Scotistic School of Philosophy and he points out, as championed Fr. Peter Fehlner, that knowledge always involves the will (intention and desire) of the soul at all the different stages of acquiring knowledge and growing in faith. As such, Bl. John Duns Scotus anticipated many of the questions raised by modern philosophers and gave answers to these that are logically coherent and incorporate the daily experience of our quest for knowledge of this world and of God.

The talk is followed by a commentary by Fr. Peter and then a round table discussion with the other presenters.

Fr. Peter:

Important to stress the relationship between nature and grace and not just their distinctiveness from each other.

Importance of distinction between rational and irrational creatures.

Natural happiness should be completed with supernatural happiness, that is, holiness.

Experience of the mystics is important in this discussion.

Round table:

Scotus as a continuation of St. John Damascene.

Scotus in relation to and distinction from Descartes and Brentano

Thomism more intellectual than Greeks and Scotus, natural desire for God vs supernatural desire. Scotus and de Lubac, rationality includes an absolute desire for God or it is nothing.

This symposium, Sursum Actio ("Lift up your Actions" or more loosely "Lift up your Hearts"), was organized in honor of the life work of Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner after he won the Cardinal John J. Wright Marialogical Award of 2015 from the Mariological Society of America for his outstanding contributions to Mariology.

For a more complete list of all fourteen talks from this symposium:

Audio (MP3)


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