Video – Msgr. Mangan – Divine Mercy 101 – CONF 322

By April 2, 2016May 30th, 2016Conferences, Random Conferences

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Ave Maria!

Today is divine Mercy Sunday and we are blessed to have Msgr. Charles Mangan preach on Divine Mercy at our conference last night. Listen to this remarkable conference that covers all the basic elements of Divine Mercy, what it constitutes and the indulgences the Church attaches to this devotion especially on Mercy Sunday in this Year of Mercy declared by Pope Francis, from December 8th 2015, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, concluding on Sunday, 20 November 2016, Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King.

In this talk he covers:

Increased devotion to Divine Mercy and Divine Mercy Sunday. Increased devotion to Mary. So we can see the fittingness of Mary Mother of Mercy, who is getting us through otherwise dark times.

Pope Francis and a year of Mercy to focus on God's Mercy toward us.

Mercy is a free gift that has to be shared. As we receive so we should give, and how this requires grace.

Steps toward Mercy:

  1. Awareness of someones plight

  2. Desire to help, render assistance

God extends this to us first, awareness and desire to help.

This help comes by way of supernatural grace.

Grace is extension of God's love and mercy.

Usually by way of sacraments.

connected to this is the life of prayer, penance and giving alms (which is not just for Lent)

Most often sacrament of confession

But also Baptism which takes away original sin and any personal sins

need to stress the importance of sacraments when they are being forgotten, even Baptism

Fourteen Works of Mercy, seven corporal and seven spiritual

  • Corporal works:

    1. Feed the hungry

    2. Give drink to the thirsty

    3. Cloth the naked

    4. Shelter the homeless

    5. Visit the sick

    6. Visit imprisoned

    7. Bury the dead

  • Spiritual works:

    1. Instruct the ignorant

    2. Counsel the doubtful

    3. Admonish sinners

    4. Bear wrongs patiently

    5. Forgive offences willingly

    6. Comfort the afflicted

    7. Pray for the living and the dead

Mary as Mother of Mercy and Mother of Christ who is Mercy and so Coredemptrix and Mediatrix

Sr. Mary Faustina - Promises given to her from Jesus. On Divine Mercy Sunday

Confession takes away gilt of personal sin

Condition for receiving plenary indulgence which removes all temporal punishment due to sin.

Holy Doors of Year of Mercy - in every diocese, plenary indulgence given by going through the doors, doing a work of mercy, and fulfilling conditions

Apostolic Pardons or Blessings - plenary indulgence given directly by a priest.


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