Variety #290 – Fra Solanus talks about Glendalough – Glory of Irish Monasticism (Part Two)

By January 19, 2016March 15th, 2016Mission Down Under, The History Program, Variety

Views 2030

Variety #290 - Fra Solanus talks about Glendalough – Glory of Irish Monasticism (Part Two) ( 24min) >>> Play

Ave Maria!

In this episode, the second of a two-part programme, Fra Solanus looks at some of the other features of Glendalough, mostly dating from the later years: chief amongst them is the famous Round Tower. Brief mention is made of the original purpose of the Round Towers, and of the invasion by Danes (Vikings). The life of one of the last abbots, St. Laurence O'Toole, is examined, and brief mention is made of the Norman Invasion.

Audio (MP3)

Fra Cyprian

Author Fra Cyprian

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