Variety #288 – Fra Solanus talks about Glendalough – Glory of Irish Monasticism (Part One)

By January 4, 2016March 15th, 2016Mission Down Under, The History Program, Variety

Views 1834

Variety #288 - Fra Solanus talks about Glendalough – Glory of Irish Monasticism (Part One) ( 28min) >>> Play

Ave Maria!

Fra Solanus tells us of the life of one of the great Irish saints, St. Kevin, and the early days of the monastery he founded at Glendalough in the 6th century. Mention is made of his teacher, St. Petroc of Cornwall. The buildings at Glendalough constructed during the time of St. Kevin are examined. Glendalough’s famous School of Learning is looked at in detail. This is Part One of a two-part programme.

Audio (MP3)

Fra Cyprian

Author Fra Cyprian

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