Variety #287 – Fra Solanus talks about Blessed Dermot O’Hurley

By December 10, 2015March 15th, 2016Mission Down Under, The History Program, Variety

Views 2008

Variety #287 - Fra Solanus talks about Blessed Dermot O’Hurley ( 19min) >>> Play

Ave Maria!

Fra Solanus tells us about the holy life and death of Blessed Dermot O’Hurley, Archbishop of Cashel, who was martyred for the Faith in Dublin in 1584. After spending many years studying and teaching in universities on the Continent, he was ordained a bishop and sent back to Ireland. He was hunted down and captured not long after his arrival. Despite being cruelly tortured by having his boots filled with oil and roasted on a fire, he kept the Faith. His tormentors – chiefly Henry Wallop, one of the Lord Justices – could only secure his conviction and execution by trying him by martial law. Archbishop O’Hurley was beatified by Pope St. John Paul II in 1992 along with 16 other Irish Martyrs.

To view an old plate showing the torture of Archbishop Dermot O'Hurley go to

To view an old plate showing Lycadoon, the birthplace of Archbishop Dermot O'Hurley go to

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Fra Cyprian

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