Variety #286 – Fra Solanus talks about Life in an Ancient Irish Monastery

By November 30, 2015March 15th, 2016Mission Down Under, The History Program, Variety

Views 1774

Variety #286 - Fra Solanus talks about Life in an Ancient Irish Monastery ( 28min) >>> Play

Ave Maria!

Fra Solanus tells us about how the how the early Irish monks lived in the years following the introduction of Christianity to Ireland. He describes, inter alia, the structure of the monastic settlements; the life, labours and prayer life of the monks; how the monastery was governed; and the formation of the postulants and novices. This was how the Irish monasteries existed prior to the 12th Century, after which time they lost their own monastic rules and were obliged to come under another rule such as the Rule of St. Benedict.

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Fra Cyprian

Author Fra Cyprian

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