Ave Maria Meditations
We have access to the greatest Gift in the world, even every day!
Graces lost by missing one communion:
1: visit to our soul of Jesus the Author of every Grace and holiness
2: increase of sanctifying grace
3: sacramental grace which gives the right to actual graces needed to avoid sin, discharge duties a state, etc.
4: remission of every venial sin
5: remission of mortal sin if forgotten
6: preservative from sin; extinguish fire of passion
7: entire or partial remission of temporal punishment
8 spiritual joy and sweetness
9: special glory of the body at the resurrection
10 merit greater degree of glory
11 indulgences lost or possible graces lost. In one communion lost through one’s own fault may depend: complete victory over a fault or passion; some particular Grace long prayed for; conversion, salvation of some soul; deliverance of a soul in purgatory; graces for others.
+Fr. William Doyle