Video – Card. Burke – Marriage Preparation – CONF 301
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Conferences #301 - (

Ave Maria!
Cardinal Burke at the Day of Reflection for Laity with the theme, "Holy Matrimony: Sacrament of Christ in His Church, (Eph 5:32)" at the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center in Bloomington, IN on October 10, 2015, gives the third and final talk called "Preparation for Holy Matrimony". He addresses the need for adequate marriage preparation in order to correct many common points of confusion in our modern world resulting from no fault divorce and other factors that weaken the public perception of the indissolubility of marriage vows. He also underscores the importance of the marriage ceremony and doing this according to the norms of the Church with a well prepared homily, to help the couple and the congregation to see the importance of marriage. He makes many references to the papal encyclicals, and Canon Law.
To view more on this series of talks by Cardinal Burke:
