Video – Card. Burke – Marriage: Remaining in the Truth of Christ – CONF 299

By October 21, 2015February 20th, 2016Ave Maria Meditations, Conferences

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Conferences #299 - ( 74min) >>> Play

Ave Maria!

Cardinal Burke at the Day of Reflection for Laity with the theme, "Holy Matrimony: Sacrament of Christ in His Church, (Eph 5:32)" at the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center in Bloomington, IN on October 10, 2015, gives the first talk called Remaining in the Truth of Christ, Marriage and Communion in the Catholic Church. This is the same title as the book to which he contributed, along with several other cardinals and bishops, and published by Ignatius Press, to give some clarity in the face of confusion surrounding the Synod on the Family in Rome last year and is in session again at the time of this posting. He first gives some background to the controversy, then an outline of the book and then gives several thoughts for our consideration from the book as follows:

  1. Relationship between Faith and Culture and how to address the current culture and the need for the Church to be secure in its identity in order to avoid adding to the confusion of today's prevailing culture.

  2. The role of the Synod of Bishops in contrast t0 common perceptions that their decisions are doctrinally binding.

  3. Risk of Sentimentalism which is a false charity that does not respect the need to give the saving truth, as if this is opposed to charity.

  4. Changes to simplify the process of nullity in marriage and the relationship to doctrine of indissolubility of marriage.

  5. Fullness of power of the Pope regarding marriages.

  6. Relationship between doctrine and discipline.

  7. New Evangelism which begins in the family as we raise our children with good example and teaching on morals.

  8. Natural law and the proper formation of Consciences, that we need to have a principled, objective basis for this formation so that we can sanctify our culture.

For more information on the book, Remaining in the Truth of Christ:

To view more on this series of talks by Cardinal Burke:

Audio (MP3)


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