Oct 06 – Homily – Card. Burke: St. Bruno and Priestly Vocations

By October 7, 2015February 20th, 2016Bloomington, IN, Guest Homilist, Homily, Priests Retreat 2015

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Homily #151006b ( 17min) Play - Cardinal Burke gives the second Homily on the 2015 Priests Retreat at the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center. He reflects on the call of all priests to an undivided union with Christ that takes precedence over his natural family and relates this to Jesus' relationship to Mary and Joseph in the Joyful Mystery of the Finding in the Temple. The priesthood should be a daily pursuit of a permanent state of upward movement toward Christ. Giving the Eucharist to the flock is the first element in the pastoral charity to which the priest is primarily called.  He relates this to St. Bruno, the founder of the contemplative Carthusian Order, whose feast day it is today. Confusion of today that touches even on the priestly life involves the preoccupation to outward works and forgetting the divine love that flows from the union with the Eucharistic. The Church sees the value of the Carthusians in order to receive the graces of this profound connection in order to protect the rest of the Church from the waves of secularism. Let us be united to the Eucharistic Heart of Christ and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Bruno - Opt Memorial
Readings: Luke 9:57-62

Audio (MP3)

